A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again / Dance Dance Dance
This book combines two texts: one from "a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again" by David Foster Wallace, and the other from "dance dance dance" by Haruki Murakami. There are many similarities between the texts - the narrator is a young journalist who goes on a journalistic assignment, a kind of journey, and obsessively records the things he sees and experiences, like a collector. However, in Foster Wallace's text, the narrator looks on from the outside about what is happening cynically and critically and in Murakami's, the narrator always returns to his own introspection.
This book is made in the form of a double-sided concertina, with each side designed according to the nature of the story.
In this project, I also became a collector myself, and documented many objects that thematically connected to the content, which I used in designing the format.
Guidance: Tamar Bar Dayan